Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Little Girl Named Boo

Drama Doodle and Dee

I am currently in the Process of Marketing and Advertising my New Company! At a tender 21 years of age, I came up with the idea of starting my own Drama-Academy! With a Speech and Drama background, it seemed fitting to take this route! However, 4 days after I Graduated from a Private College in Observatory, Cape Town, I took a big jet plane to New York City! 

I was an Au Pair to one of the best families I have ever met, and now lucky enough to be a part of! I cared for, played along with and tried to inspire a beautiful little girl named Boo! She was a mere 18 months old when I arrived, and will be 3 and a half when I leave to go back home to South Africa!

She is the main reason behind Drama Doodle. I noticed this growth and exponential development when I introduced Yoga and my easy Speech Exercises to her! Within a few days of doing the tongue-rolls, drills and warm-ups, she started to repeat words and sounds! It was magnificent to watch!

I then decided to do a few courses on Yoga in the Preschool - I was already a Yoga Practitioner, and thought this would even be for personal gain!

Thus, Drama Doodle was born! It is now a Traveling School Set to Open in Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2013! We specialize in classes for Babies, Toddlers and Children Younger than 5 years old!

Our Subjects are: Yoga, Speech and Drama, Music and Movement!
For more Information : www.dramadoodle.com 
Drama Doodle

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