Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Drumming to your own Beat

Last Thursday I attended a Free Drumming Workshop in Newport,RI. Library!
I am a super early-riser, very organized and tend to show up at events about 15minutes before its starting time! Even though I'm early I'm never one of those impatient, tapping-my-feet, annoyingly chewing gum with an open mouth, sorts of person. However ...
I don't know if it was the 32degree Temperature outside, or the fact that I knew I could be on the beach right now sipping cocktails that got to me, OR (This is most likely It!) The 35 minute wait period for the Teacher of the drumming workshop! We were all cramped into a small area in the always-quiet library! All the old-Presidents and Poets staring down at us, as moms try to entertain their children and make nice with their neighbours! Finally ....
They arrive! With One Large Drum and heaps of Loew's Buckets. (for all those not in America - Loew's is a Hardware Shop - Love them!) We go through all the introductory yah-yah and eventually start DRUMMING! Finally! Even without my much-needed caffeine fix in the morning, I enjoyed beating my own - Bucket! .... 

Here is what he basically did:
-He explained the different tempos, rhythms and volumes used in music! And how we can use our body and the elements to make music:
 * Clapping (Softly Clapping vs. Banging Clapping)
 *Snapping Fingers ( I can't do that)
 *Stomping Feet (The poor librarian)
 *Jumping Up and Down
 *Clapping Hands onto Lap
Then he started with a Rhythm Clap: Basically, clap hands together while swishing palms and rubbing them! You know that movement when you are holding a stick between your hands and you are trying to light a fire - rub,rub,rub! Yes! That move, but bigger so that it makes a sliding-clap sound!

The lesson went on, and on, and it was just like jamming with a rock-solid drum band! Some of his examples were really awesome, so I'm going to include and try t explain them!

- Clap Around the World: Very Simple, Clap Hands while forming a circle with arms!
-Rock Back and Forth:Arms over head for back, bringing forward with a clap! 
-As Quick as a Rabbit : Tapping Index Finger on Drum in rapid Motion
-As Quiet as a Mouse: Obviously as quiet as possible!
-As Loud as Elephants: Drum as Hard as possible

He then gave them a few sentences and had them clap-out the syllables! Much like learning Shakespeare's Iambic Pentameter and clapping out the syllables! (I'm using '/' to show syllables)

1) /Tick/-/Tock  /goes/  the  /clock/
2)/Rock/ing/  all/  /night/  long/
3) /Boun/cing/ /on/  /knees/  /at/  /the/  /beach/
4) /Plea/se/  /pass/  the/ peas/
5) /But/  /I/  /want/  /pizza/

The Class had an abrupt ending, but I suppose having a library full of kids and already running late had the 'lesson-plan' off schedule ... Sure! 

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