Monday, July 29, 2013

Music and Movement Monday

Potty in the USA

While watching the movie Pitch Perfect, little Miss Boo got stuck on the song 'Party in the USA'. She was just about to turn the wonderful age of 3, and we were , as many of you are now, trying to Potty Train her.
A mission in itself we try to make it as entertaining, fun and enjoyable as possible!
Miss Boo and I then created this song : (used every time we go Potty!)

So, I put my hands up
and playing my song
Poopy goes away!
Nodding my head like yeah,
wiping my bum like yeah.
So, I put my hands,
I know I'm gonna be okay
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,
It's a Potty in the USA!

She loves singing the song, and automatically relates to it when we Potty! Her word-association skills are improving every day! 

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